The SHEKINAH LIFE PURPOSE CENTER is committed to empower each of us to live our lives with purpose. As we claim our unique and special gifts, talents and abilities, we begin to fully express the wholeness of our being.
To remind us of our beauty, strength and intelligence
To develop the power to heal our own hearts
To transform our own lives
To discover what it is that is our unique gift to give to the world so the heart of the world can be healed.
What do we want from this life:
To be seen for who we are, to be valued, loved, and most of all, to have a physical, emotional and spiritual home that can’t be taken away. (edited from The Longings of Women, by Marge Piercy)
I believe that this physical home begins inside our own skin. My wish for each of us is to enjoy being in our own bodies, feeling our feelings, connected to our souls, loving our special qualities and characteristics, having a passion for doing something to offer as a gift to the world and to feel that we are each a part of All That Is.