~Guidance in Living a Joyful and Meaningful Life by Discovering Our Passion
the Reason We Are Here On Earth~
~Balancing Our Brilliant Minds and
Our Soulful Hearts~
~Trusting Our Own Inner Knowing~

A great SHIFT in global consciousness is unfolding in which many are searching for a deeper heart connection. We have experienced an uprootedness from our deepest values and a separation from our natural world. This shift is calling for an awakening to the natural rhythms of Mother Earth and an honoring and balancing of the feminine.
The Shekinah Life Purpose Center provides an opportunity to connect with that positive, creative, nurturing energy. When we have an awareness that “everything is energy,” that there is a vibrational flow that we can participate in, we awaken to our own best selves.
We become willing and able to acknowledge the best of who we are, to face our shadows and to heal on a personal level. When we honor and act upon our life purpose we find ourselves living joyful, fulfilled, meaningful lives. We find the courage to meet life’s challenges and continue to be strengthened by the process.
The workshops, classes, consultations and readings offered through the Shekinah Life Purpose Center are offered to help you:
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."
- Mahatma Ghandi